It is a great tool to see sky conditions to aid your astronomy work.
Get instant status of remote or local observatory sky conditions
See clouds before they get in your frame
Visualize sky conditions from night to night
Can show the Milky Way (even winter Milky Way), Aurora, smoke, air glow, even high thin clouds
Compatible with many software packages
ASCOM Compatible
INDI Compatible
180°x130° and 180°x180° lens options available
USB 3.0 (USB 2.0 compatible)
Capable of capture still images and video
- QHY version – 2 Mega Pixels (1920×1080)
- Player One version – 1.2 Mega Pixels (1304×976)
The All-Sky Camera comprises several components:
- The camera unit in weather proof housing with dome heater and 9ft USB cable (usb extension and connection protector sold separately)
- mounting channel
- heater power supply (which has a 30ft outdoor side cable).
For more detailed information about dimensions, software, helpful tips on how to install and mount the camera. See the All-Sky Camera User Manual.
The above is a live view from a 1.44fl lens Astra180 all-sky camera mounted at the StarSync Trackers’ headquarters.