This contains electronics needed you need to measure the camera latency of your astrophotography setup. It is based off the paper:
Kamiński, K., Weber, C., Marciniak, A., Żołnowski, M., & Gędek, M. (2023). Reaching sub-millisecond accuracy in stellar occultations and artificial satellites tracking. arXiv.
And the open source project
It contains:
- Timing board
- Arduino Due with firmware programmed
- USB Cable
- Plastic Stand
- GPS Module
- GPS Antenna
To power the device, you just need a USB port, a USB charger, or a computer will do.
Videos and manual instructing it what camera latency is and how to use this device are available at our
learning center.
We are still trying to gather how much interest there is in a device. If it happens to be out of stock, signing up for in-stock notification would help us know this interest.